Vietnamese Name: Lá Lốt
Common Culinary Name: Wild Betal Leaf
Botanical Family & Name: Piperaceae, Piper Sarmentosum or Betle
Vegetative Description: Shiny & slightly heart shaped, bright green leaves.
Native Habitat & Ecology:
Tasting Note: Smoky, slightly bitter & hot-like
Culinary Uses: Leaves are wrapped around small, slender ground beef rolls, then grilled (Bò Lá Lốt). Also eaten with vegetables & other boiled meats.
Medicinal Uses: Antiseptic, breath freshener, cures headaches, toothaches and sometimes used as an antibiotic. Also used to treat rheumatism, indigestion & diarrhea
Propagation: By cuttings.
Other Names: Cha Phloo (Thai)